Dwell Night
6:00 PM18:00

Dwell Night

Come and experience an evening filled with uplifting worship, inspirational teaching, and prophetic altar ministry. Bring your friends and family as we gather together in faith and community.

Let us unite our hearts and voices to seek His presence and receive His guidance.

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Women's Brown Bag Lunch
11:30 AM11:30

Women's Brown Bag Lunch

Join other ladies from our church in the church foyer for a special Christmas Brown Bag Lunch. A special lunch will be provided for all who attend. There will be games and if you would like to participate in the shared gift giving, bring a small gift valued $10.00-$15.00. We hope to see you there.

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Pizza With The Pastors
12:00 PM12:00

Pizza With The Pastors

If you are new to Lineage Church or are considering membership, we would like to invite you to join us for Pizza With The Pastors. This is a time of fun, food, and connection to one another. This will give you the opportunity to meet our Pastoral Team as well as connect with our Deacons and other key members of our church body. We hope you can join us. Please visit the “Welcome Home” Center in our church foyer to sign up to be a part of this lunch.

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Membership Class
9:30 AM09:30

Membership Class

If you choose to make Lineage Church your home, we would like invite you to attend the Membership Classes and become a member of our church. This class will provide you with historical background of our church and what we believe in our denomination through the Assemblies of God.

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Baptism Sunday
10:30 PM22:30

Baptism Sunday

If you would like to be water baptized, please visit the “Welcome Home” Center of our church foyer and pick up a water baptism registration card. After filling the card out, please drop it in the offering bucket during service or give it to anyone of our volunteers and/or Pastoral Team.

We do require that you attend water baptism class before you are baptized. This helps you to fully understand the decision you are making when choosing to become water baptized.

Class will be held on Wed. night, Nov. 6th, at 6:30pm.

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Night of Prayer
6:00 PM18:00

Night of Prayer

“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways. Then they will hear from heaven and I will heal their land. “ Gather together with us lets pray for our city and our nation.

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12:00 PM12:00

STL-Speed The Light & Dessert Auction

Speed The Light is our youth initiative missions endeavor, to raise money for vehicles for missionaries so they can carry the gospel to hard to reach places around the world. This spaghetti Lunch and Dessert Auction will take place immediately following the service. The cost is $5.00 per ticket. All proceeds go towards Speed The Light.

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to Oct 5


  • Daytona Ocean Center Arena (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

THRIVE is the weekend of the year designed for all generations of women to come together and worship God, hear life-changing messages, and be ministered to personally. Held yearly in the month of October, THRIVE is the event that you want to attend with EVERY woman and teen girl that you know! There are breakout sessions for women in ministry, teen girls, young adult women, and more!

General Registration is $95.00 (not including hotel)

Hotel fees are $135.00 per night

Click the link to register today Thrive 2024 Registration

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10:30 AM10:30


If you’ve never been to church or maybe it’s been awhile since you have gone to a church, you’re invited to come BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY, Sept. 29th @10:30 am. All first time guests at Lineage Church will receive a FREE $10.00 AMAZON GIFT CARD. We looking forward to meeting you.

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2024 Encounter Missions
10:30 AM10:30

2024 Encounter Missions

Come to church Sunday Sept. 8th for our 2024 Encounter Missions Service. Joining us will be special guest missionaries Sebastian and Charity Suarez and Michal Montalvo. They will be sharing with us about the call on their lives to reach more people for the kingdom.

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Jesus Tour 2024
5:00 PM17:00

Jesus Tour 2024

The Jesus Tour is a regional youth rally that comes together every to lift up the name of Jesus and teaches students about the importance of supporting and giving to missions. It also empowers them to be missionaries to their peers and on school campuses. This rally will be hosted at Lineage Church on Sat. Aug. 31st from 5-8pm. There will music, a word, and food trucks. We look forward to seeing you there.

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"Easter Egg-sperience"
10:30 AM10:30

"Easter Egg-sperience"

We have great plans at Lineage Church to celebrate resurrection day with your family.
While you are worshipping in the sanctuary, your kids will have an “Egg-cellent” time in our kids department with the G-Force Kids Team!

They will be lead in worship, taught the word of God, and play lots of fun games to help remember what they’ve learned.

After the service the kids will have an “Easter Egg-Sperience”, where they will have a chance to collect eggs and win prizes. Service begins at 10:30 Sunday morning. We hope to see you there.

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10:30 AM10:30

Winter's Promise-Christmas Worship Experience

Winter is often related to seasons of dry and desolate places. Growth ceases and the bitter cold bites and causes damage giving us a sense of hopelessness. But God sends a promise of hope to us in the form of an infant, Jesus.

It’s in this promise, of our Savior Jesus, that we can find joy, peace, security, and life. We invite you to join us for this Winter’s Promise Worship Experience.

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